Jenner's Department Store
“Pot of tea, please.” Once he had his order, he checked the cafe and advanced. “May I join you?”
There was a split second as she turned when she was still somewhere in her thoughts, then her eyes widened. “Oh my god,” she said looking beyond him and scanning the restaurant for the first time. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m planning to drink tea.”
She continued searching the room. “You can’t sit here. We can’t be seen together.”
He ignored her and placed his tray across from her. “It’s okay, I’ve checked. There’s no one watching.”
“Oh my god, Punnr,” she said again as he sat, but now less vociferously.
I think I've spent too much time in the cafe on the second floor of Jenners. It's become a routine. Off the train at Waverley, a dash between the buses on Princes Street, through the cosmetics and menswear sections on the ground floor and then up the old staircase. It's the views across to the Old Town that draw me and I fuel up on flat whites and pastries before heading further into the city.
Perhaps it's because this is a place of comfort - where the gentle hubbub of voices mixes with the heavy scent of coffee - that it felt an appropriate setting for Tyler and Lana's relationship to flourish. Somewhere so divorced from what they face in the Pantheon. Twenty-first century urban normality.